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What Medicare Doesn't Cover?

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What Medicare Doesn't Cover

What Medicare Doesn't Cover

The Medicare health insurance by the federal government benefits those who are 65 years or older. Also, specific categories of people such as those with disabilities or End-Stage Renal Disease also benefit from Medicare services regardless of their age. Some of the services which are covered by Medicare include inpatient and consultation fees, some tests and examinations, outpatient hospital care, home health care and preventive services. The type of services covered depends on the Medicare plan that one chose.


So, what Medicare doesn't cover? If one wishes to access some of the services which are not covered by Medicare, they will have to incur the expenses themselves unless they are in another health insurance program which covers those services. Some of the services which are not covered by Medicare include;

  • Acupuncture and other types of alternative medicine
    Most of the Medicare plans will not cover services which are aimed at trying out new and experimental procedures. Such include acupuncture or chiropractic services. However, alternative medicine will only be covered in instances where it is deemed necessary by the doctor. For example, application of chiropractic services in the fixing of a spine which is misaligned is covered.
  • Dental examination and treatment
    Most of the dental services such as cleaning, dentures, tooth extractions, root canal repairs and filling are not covered by Medicare. Therefore, if you would like to access such services, you will have to seek an alternative way of meeting the costs.
  • Cosmetic Surgery
    Medicare tries to stick to cover services which are widely considered as being reasonable and of medical necessity. For that reason, cosmetic surgery procedures are not covered by Medicare. The only exception is in instances where cosmetic surgery is done to correct a deformity affecting the normal functioning of a body part.
  • Eye examination and treatment
    The services that make part of vision care such as eye examination, prescription of glasses and acquiring glasses or contact lenses, are not covered by Medicare. In some circumstances, however, some Medicare plans may cover vision care services following surgery, for instance, cataracts, which was done under that Medicare plan.
  • Hearing care

    Medicare will not cover the expenses relating to hearing care. These include; examination of the ear and the process and acquisition of hearing aids. Unless the doctor gives a different directive, one will have to meet these expenses.

  • Non-medical services
    Any non-medical services that one may have will not be covered by Medicare. Such include expenses of their hospital telephone and television bill, missed appointments or putting up in a private room. All those are considered as being non-medical.
  • Custodial or personal care

    Medicare will not meet the expenses that arise from services of personal care that do not form part of the treatment. These services including getting help when bathing, getting dressed or help when using the washroom from a non-skilled person. Help on household chores may be covered when they form part of hospice care.

  • Treatment outside the USA
    Medicare does not cover if you get treatment outside of the United States. For instance, if you get treatment while vacationing in another country you will not be covered. The only exception is when the hospital you went to for treatment was closer to the one in the USA, and it was an emergency.

In conclusion, it is evident that Medicare does not cover all types of services. It is essential to know which services are covered and which ones are not as it can guide one on what steps to take to ensure that they have a way to cover their medical costs.