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Medicare Advantage Insurance Plans

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Medicare Part C - Medicare Advantage

You might be interested in getting additional benefits beyond Original Medicare coverage, which includes Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. If so, consider Medicare Part C, also referred to as Medicare Advantage. This option was added by congress for the benefit of those who want to increase their coverage. It is offered by private Medicare-approved insurance companies.

Medicare Advantage Insurance - Part C

Medicare Advantage Eligibility

Any person is eligible for Medicare Advantage plans provided they are eligible for basic Medicare, if it is available in their area. Availability of plans varies from one region or state to another.


Among the requirements for getting on-board Medicare Advantage insurance is signing up for Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. The difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage is that rather than being government administered, your Medicare benefits are administered by the plan.

What is Medicare Advantage Coverage?

Coverage for the Medicare Advantage include all benefits of Medicare Part A. These include skilled nursing services, hospital stays and certain home care services. Note that even while you are under the Medicare Advantage plan, Original Medicare still covers hospice care. Medicare Advantage also includes all benefits of Medicare Part B (Outpatient care, preventive screenings, and doctor visits, for example).

Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage) is often included in Medicare Part C plans. Prospection drugs are not available for Original Medicare but you can purchase additional Medicare Part D to receive that benefit. Further benefits offered by some Medicare Advantage plans include nurse helpline services, gym memberships and wellness programs, and routine vision and dental care.

Medicare Advantage Cost

Cost varies from one Medicare Advantage plan to another. Some plans may charge a monthly premium. A majority of plans will split costs with you through co-insurance, co-pays and deductibles, with specific costs being different depending on the plan.


A set maximum annual out-0f-pocket amount is required for Medicare Part C plans. Most people might be charged this amount for their annual health care received under the Medicare cover. In 2016, the maximum for this amount was set at $6,700. Only a lower maximum amount is allowed.


The maximum out-of-pocket amount includes co-insurance, co-pays and deductibles. It does not include monthly premium payments. Furthermore, the out-of-pocket maximum is not applicable for Original Medicare.


Signing Up for Medicare Advantage

After signing up for Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B, you have the option of enrolling for Medicare Advantage. Enrolment to the Medicare Advantage can also be done during Medicare Open Enrollment. This occurs between October 15 and December 7 every year.


The Medicare plan finder is an online tool useful for determining which plans are available in your region or state. Enter your zip code into the tool for it to display all the plans that are available in your area and enroll directly or on



Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) is advantageous for two reasons: it provides additional coverage on top of Original Healthcare and it offers the expediency of having all your health care needs covered by a single plan. A lot of thought needs to be put in identifying a Medicare coverage plan that fits your health care needs.