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Medigap Insurance Plans

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Medigap Insurance Plans - Part F

Medigap Insurance Plans - Part F

A big percentage of those who choose the traditional Medicare and Medicare supplement to shield themselves against the gaps in the health program select the Medigap insurance plan referred to as Medicare Plan F or simply Plan F. Of the people who choose to purchase a Medigap policy, approximately 66% choose the Plan F plan. It’s the most popular plan, despite the fact that it’s the most expensive.


To be eligible to enroll in Medicare Supplement Plan F, you must first be enrolled in both Part A and Part B. However, Medigap insurance Plan F does not replace your Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). When you add Plan F to your Original Medicare benefits, then your coverage will be comprehensive. What this means is that you will never pay your doctor Copay again as long as you have medigap insurance.

Medigap Plans - Part F

Plan F coverage is comprehensive, which explains its popularity. It offers coverage for services that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. You don’t need to pay even a single cent. The following is a detailed list of benefits covered by the Medicare Supplement Plan F:

  • Medigap covers Part A hospital and co-insurance costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits have been exhausted
  • Medigap fully covers both your Part A deductible and your Part B outpatient deductible
  • Fully covers all of the 20% that Medicare Part B leaves you to pay out of your pocket
  • Covers all of Part B excess charges- An Excess charge is the difference between what a doctor charges and the total amount Medicare will pay
  •  Covers Medicare Part A Hospice Care Coinsurance or Copayment
  • Covers Blood (first 3 pints)
  • Fully covers Skilled Nursing Facility Care Coinsurance
  • Fully covers Foreign Travel Emergency (up to plan limits)

Medigap Plans - Part F Rates

The standard rates for Medicare Plan F vary depending on the company, age, tobacco usage, area, and in some cases, how long you have been enrolled in Medicare Part B. In many instances however, the cost of Medigap plans range between $120- $140 per month for a female turning 65. With most carriers, the Medicare Plan F is often slightly higher compared to that of females.


However, it’s advisable to get several quotes for Plan F cost in your area to ensure you get the most affordable carrier.


Although Plan F is generally more expensive compared to other plans, it offers greater value for people facing increased co-payments and deductibles due to regular medical attention. It is especially popular with Baby Boomers.